Monthly Archives: March, 2017

Canadian West Coast oysters

March 15th, 2017 Posted by News, seafood 0 thoughts on “Canadian West Coast oysters”

Canadian West Coast oysters just arrived!

Ostra Fine Foods is excited to introduce two styles of Canadian West Coast Oysters available this week!

 Canadian West Coast Smokey Bay Oysters

Smokey Bay oysters are grown on the beaches of the famous Vancouver Island, B.C. As the tide goes out and the oysters are left uncovered and their shell hardens giving it rugged, strong and visually distinct characterics. There style is considered a West coast classic, a plump, juicy oyster with a medium level of salinity. Our extra large Smokey bay oysters offer a serious ‘wow’ factor for those who have not seen them but are more familiar with the overly popular French oyster varieties.

Canadian-Smokey-Bay-OystersCanadian West Coast Pearl Bay Oysters

Pearl Bay oysters are grown in trays suspended off the ocean floor on rafts or long-lines. The characteristics of a tray product are a deep-cup, clean barnacle free shell and weaker abductor muscle for easy shucking. Ostra Fine Foods petite Pearl bay Canadian oysters are a great entry level oyster for new enthusiasts as they have delicate crisp brine and a slightly sweet finish.

Canadian Peral Bay Oysters

Call 077 780 292 to place your order today!

Ostra Cod Fish Promo

Pacific Cod Fish now available at Ostra Fine Foods!

March 3rd, 2017 Posted by events, News, seafood 0 thoughts on “Pacific Cod Fish now available at Ostra Fine Foods!”

Pacific Cod Fish now available at Ostra Fine Foods!

Ostra Fine Foods is more than excited to provide high quality frozen Pacific Cod fish. A highly versatile fish suitable for both Western and Asian cuisines we look forward to providing this lovely product into the Cambodia restaurant scene.

Keep a look out at the highest quality French restaurants this week and I am sure you will see our cod fish featured heavily. At Ostra Fine Foods we take great pride in working with the best chefs in the best restaurants Cambodia has to offer. Enjoy!

For more information on our range of Pacific Cod Fish please click here.

